In warm memory of Willy De Groof
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Willy De Groof, born March 19, 1956 and died June 14, 2024. Willy, our tireless force and dedicated secretary, was always ready to solve any problem and to make the impossible. possible.
Willy was responsible for weighing boxers, tracking results, arranging licensing and admissions, handling payments and much more. Always with a positive attitude and a willingness to help everyone in all circumstances. That was the essence of Willy.
He was much more than a General Secretary; he was a warm and unforgettable person. His dedication and kindness will be sadly missed by many. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and acquaintances. We deeply sympathize with them during this difficult time.
We invite everyone to honor Willy during the funeral ceremony at Notre-Dame de Hever Church on Monday July 1, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Rest in peace, Willy. We will always miss you.